An accelerated shift in companies adopting cloud services has made Cloud Computing an essential skill across industries. To prepare students for this dynamic shift, this compact course begins at the genesis of virtualisation and builds up to the present day Cloud Computing technology. Students will learn the three deployment models – Public, Private and Hybrid, and the three levels of managed service- IaaS, PaaS and SaaS with case studies to understand the depth of how cloud computing is revolutionising the way we access, save and store data.
To better understand the Digital transformation of companies, the course will delve into Cloud migration strategy, underlining the steps, tools and audits involved in the process. In extension to Cloud migration, students will grasp legalities through Cloud Service-level agreements and pertinent Trans-Atlantic regulations. Other key areas of study will include Cloud Security testing, Cloud orchestration tools, Cloud BI and Big Data from the prism of the current Cloud services market.
Learning Objectives:
- Acquire the vocabulary and skills to understand the environment and deploy a Cloud project
- Understanding the management of an organisation’s cloud computing architecture
- Analyse the relevance of Cloud computing for individual organisations
- Developing plans for the adoption of cloud solutions
- Managing and monitoring of cloud platforms
- Designing and building applications on the cloud
- Ability to use Cloud Scalability and Cloud elasticity within their organisation
Prerequisites: minimum 650 TOEIC score
L’accélération de l’adoption des services sur Cloud par les entreprises a fait du Cloud Computing une compétence essentielle dans tous les secteurs. Pour préparer les étudiants à ce changement dynamique, ce cours concis commence à la genèse de la virtualisation et se poursuit jusqu’à la technologie actuelle du Cloud Computing. Les étudiants apprendront les trois modèles de déploiement – Public, Private and Hybrid, et les trois niveaux de services gérés – IaaS, PaaS et SaaS avec des études de cas pour comprendre en profondeur comment le cloud computing révolutionne la façon dont nous accédons, sauvegardons et stockons les données.
Pour mieux comprendre la transformation digitale des entreprises, le cours se propose d’approfondir la stratégie de migration vers le Cloud, en soulignant les étapes, les outils et les audits impliqués dans le processus. En complément de la migration vers le Cloud, les étudiants appréhendent les aspects juridiques à travers les accords de niveau de service du Cloud et les réglementations transatlantiques pertinentes. D’autres domaines d’étude clés comprendront les tests de sécurité du Cloud, les outils d’orchestration du Cloud, la BI et le Big Data du Cloud à travers le prisme du marché actuel des services du Cloud.
- Acquérir le vocabulaire et les compétences propres à comprendre l’environnement et déployer un projet Cloud.
- Maîtrise de la gestion de l’architecture de l’informatique sur Cloud d’une organisation
- Analyser la pertinence du cloud computing pour les organisations individuelles
- Développer des plans pour l’adoption de solutions de cloud computing
- Gérer et surveiller les plateformes de cloud computing
- Concevoir et créer des applications sur le cloud
- Être capable d’utiliser Scalability et Elasticity vers le Cloud au sein de leur organisation.
Pré-requis: Score de 650 au TOEIC
Links to resources for presentations or summaries:
Cloud computing:
Brief History:
Cloud computing:
Cloud Computing:
Pandemic and Cloud Computing:
Virtualisation vs Cloud computing:
Cloud application:
Cloud service models:
Cloud migration:
Cloud SLAs:
Cloud Security testing:
Cloud scalability vs Cloud elasticity:
Cloud Spend
Ten ways to control public cloud spending
Cloud spending doesn’t need to be a guessing game
Embrace these cloud service-level agreement best practices
Enterprise cloud licensing basics
Multicloud computing elevates managing a hybrid cloud architecture
A cloud management tools comparison guide
Cloud Security
Cloud security monitoring: Challenges and guidance
Tighten cloud app security with a rugged DevOps approach
What you need to know about cloud testing strategies
Don’t let governance methods die after a cloud migration
Data security in the cloud news, help and research – SearchCloudComputing
A ‘cloud first’ strategy calls for strong security: Five tips to get there
Adjusting a continuous monitoring strategy to a hybrid era
What is AWS CloudTrail? – Definition from
How can new AWS APIs improve cloud security?
Cloud Computing Risk Assessment — ENISA
How does a shared responsibility model work in multicloud?
Analyzing big data in the cloud to boost business
#CIOChat: MIT CISR’s business models for the digital economy
Three perspectives on cloud identity and access management
The 5 cloud risks you have to stop ignoring | InfoWorld
What is JSON (Javascript Object Notation)? – Definition from
How the Flip Feng Shui technique undermines cloud security
What is AWS CloudTrail? – Definition from
Cloud browsers: The security benefits of anonymity in the cloud
The top Docker container technology tips of 2015
Is container technology right for my organization?
What is Docker? – Definition from
How are microservices and cloud computing related?
Containers vs. VMs: What’s the difference?
Cloud containers — what they are and how they work
Docker Cloud pricing irks Tutum users
Building a DevOps environment with microservices and containers
Should enterprises join the rush to use Docker’s container software?
Docker news shaped the IT and DevOps industry in 2016
What is sensor analytics? – Definition from
Cloud Dev
How the cloud complicates the data processing pipeline
Prepare developers for these microservices pros and cons
What CIOs, developers should know about the ‘API economy’
What the future of RESTful API design holds for developers
Cook up application stacks with Chef’s deployment automation
The API lifecycle: A look at planning to production
What is stateless app? – Definition from
Connecting the ‘DevOps, Agile and Java cloud native applications’ dots
Web Application Architecture | Existek Blog
SOAP vs REST vs JSON – a 2020 comparison · Raygun Blog
Cloud Migration
How difficult is a VM migration to the public cloud?
Migration, workflow fluidity among hybrid cloud challenges
Transitioning to the cloud(s) | DBMS 2 : DataBase Management System Services
A cloud management tools comparison guide
What is Cloudyn? – Definition from
Considerations for choosing an OpenStack distribution
Private cloud benefits don’t always justify migration
Microservices architectures increase cloud and app efficiency
What is noisy neighbor (cloud computing performance)? – Definition from
To cloud or not to cloud: What’s your cloud migration strategy?
Cloud migration checklist: The enterprise guide
Gartner Catalyst: Discussing cloud-first, legacy apps, cloud costs
What are the complications of running Oracle on AWS?
Download this 80-page Cloud Project Success guide.
Cloud Infra intro
What is REST (representational state transfer)? – Definition from
What is application program interface (API)? – Definition from
IaaS, PaaS, SaaS (Explained and Compared) – Apprenda
What is hybrid cloud? – Definition from
Quiz time: Test your knowledge of hybrid cloud computing trends
Red Hat cloud buoyed by Ansible buy, Microsoft partnership
Oracle cloud services push hybrid infrastructure, PaaS
Cloud management deals validate enterprise adoption
Are you on the right cloud computing career path? Certifications
Top 10 Cloud Computing Certifications | CIO
Amazon Web Services: The smart person’s guide – TechRepublic
Inscription – Cloud Week Paris 2016
Clash of Titans – SAP, Oracle, Microsoft, Oracle Quo Vadis? | CustomerThink
Cloud Hosting DB, BI, BigD
Vendors move to make Hadoop cloud deployments simpler, less costly
Europe’s Privacy Watchdogs Call for Changes to U.S. Data-Transfer Deal – The New York Times
European Cloud Companies Play Up Privacy Credentials – The New York Times
U.S. Tech Giants Are Investing Billions to Keep Data in Europe – The New York Times
The EU-U.S. Privacy Shield – European Commission
Data mashups meet business intelligence: “Bashups” explained
Understanding Cloud Data Services – KDnuggets
Course Creation Software for PowerPoint | iSpring Suite Max
Penn Summer Prep Program | Penn Summer
You Can Now Run Some Code Hosted on GitHub | WIRED
What the Heck Is a Unikernel? And Why Should You Care? – DZone Cloud
What is Cloud Application Performance Management (cloud APM)?
What is hypervisor-aware storage? – Definition from
VMware Virtualization for Desktop & Server, Application, Public & Hybrid Clouds | United States
Jumping ship from VMware to OpenStack private cloud
Evaluating OpenStack vs. VMware for private cloud
Word of the Day: unikernel – – Gmail
Why use Docker’s container software when VMs do the job?
Breaking down the risks of VM escapes
What is software-defined networking (SDN)? – Definition from
What is virtual memory ballooning? – Definition from
What is Type 2 hypervisor (hosted hypervisor)? – Definition from
KVM reignites Type 1 vs. Type 2 hypervisor debate
What Are Containers (Container-based Virtualization or Containerization)?
Adding a data virtualization layer to IT systems: Three questions to ask
Course Features
- Lecture 0
- Quiz 0
- Duration 15 hours
- Skill level All levels
- Language English, French
- Students 1
- Assessments Yes
- No prerequisites